Triaxial Permeameter (TXP)
We use our state-of-art triaxial permeameter (TXP) to characterize seepage-induced internal instability and any resulting change in soil strength . The TXP is configured for multi-stage downward seepage flow, during which measurements include flow rate, mass loss, axial deformation, and volume change. Thereafter the specimen is sheared to determine its strength at the critical state. It is currently being used in a fundamental study of internal erosion in gap-graded sands.

Large Flexible Wall Permeameter (LFwP)
We use our large flexible-wall permeameter (LFwP), which has a specimen diameter of 200 mm, to characterize the time-dependency of internal erosion processes. The LFwP can accommodate a specimen of zoned till-core material, or a ‘scalped and replaced’ zoned filter material. It is currently being used in a fundamental study of internal erosion in broadly-graded sands and gravels.