Conference Articles
- Fannin, R.J. and Li, M. (2019). “Internal erosion of zoned earthfill dams and their foundations: commentary on the state-of-practice,” Proc. 27th Can. Geotech. Soc. Conf., St. Johns, Nfld., 29 Sept. – 2 Oct. 2019 (6 pages).
- Fannin, R.J. (2019). “Cleveland Dam, Vancouver: Terzaghi’s recommendations on seepage control and mitigation of internal erosion,” Proc. 27th EWGIE, Vancouver, BC, 18-21 June, 2019 (2 pages).
- Ataii, S. and Fannin, R.J. (2019). “Inflow boundary conditions in triaxial permeameter testing,” Proc. 27th EWGIE, Vancouver, BC, 18-21 June, 2019 (2 pages).
- Ganapathiraman, V. and Fannin, R.J. (2019). “Internal instability testing of widely-graded materials with oversize particles,” Proc. 27th EWGIE, Vancouver, BC, 18-21 June, 2019 (2 pages).
- Antunes, A. and Fannin, R.J. (2019). “Grain size and shape in the glacial moraine borrow source for the Bennett Dam,” Proc. 27th EWGIE, Vancouver, BC, 18-21 June, 2019 (2 pages).
- McClelland, V. and Fannin, R.J. (2019). “On specimen reconstitution and commissioning a triaxial permeameter,” Proc. 27th EWGIE, Vancouver, BC, 18-21 June, 2019 (2 pages)
- Slangen, P. and Fannin, R.J. (2019). “Seepage induced internal instability for dam safety assessments,” Proc. 39th USSD Conference, 8-12 Apr. 2019, Chicago, USA (18 pages).
- Fannin, R.J., Slangen, P., Hartford, D.N.D., Ataii, S., and McClelland, V. (2018). “Erosion of zoned earthfill dams by internal instability: advances in the state-of-art,” Proc. 2018 Can. Dam Assoc. Annual Conference, 13-18 Oct. 2018 (6 pages).
- Fannin, R.J., Slangen, P., Ataii, S., McClelland, V., and Hartford, D.N.D. (2018). “Erosion of zoned earthfill dams by internal stability: laboratory testing for model development,” Proc. 26th EWGIE, Milan, Italy, 10-13 Sept., 2018 (18 pages).
- Fannin, R.J. and Hartford, D.N.D. (2017). “Research needs for improved dam safety risk management of internal erosion,” Proc. 25th EWGIE, Delft, Netherlands, 4-7 Sept., 2017, extended abstract.
- P. and Fannin, R.J. (2017). “A flexible wall permeameter test device: design, commissioning, and operation,” Proc. 25th EWGIE, Delft, Netherlands, 4-7 Sept., 2017, extended abstract.
- Fannin, R.J. and Roos, D. (2017). “Coursier Dam sinkholes incidents: backward erosion from filter incompatibility,” Proc. 25th EWGIE, Delft, Netherlands, 4-7 Sept., 2017, extended abstract.
- Fannin, R.J., Li, M, and Anderlini, C. 2017. “Evaluation of internal erosion scenarios in an embankment dam,” Proc. USSD 37th Annual Conf., Anaheim, USA, Apr. 3-7, 2017, 15p.
- Li, M. and Fannin, R.J. 2016. “Critical hydraulic gradients for internally unstable cohesionless soils,” Proc. Can. Geotech. Soc. GeoVancouver Conf., Vancouver, Canada, Oct. 2-5, 2016, 6p.
- Slangen, P. and Fannin, R.J. 2016. “A commentary on ICOLD Bulletin 164: the significance of volume change in internally unstable soils,” Proc. Can. Geotech. Soc. GeoVancouver Conf., Vancouver, Canada, Oct. 2-5, 2016, 6p.
- Shire, T., O’Sullivan, C., Fannin, R.J. and Hanley, K.J. 2015. “Use of discrete element modeling to assess the internal instability of dam filters,” Proc. 16th European Conf. on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Edinburgh, Scotland, Sept. 13-18, 2015, 6p.
- Rönnqvist, H., Fannin, R.J., and Viklander, P. 2015. “The unified plot approach for assessing internal erosion – a case study of the Grundsjon Dam sinkhole event,” Proc. ICOLD 25th Congress, Stavanger, Norway, June 13-20, 2015, 17p.
- Li, M., Fannin, R.J. and Anderlini, C. 2014. “Assessing performance of a potentially internally unstable filter,” Proceedings Canadian Dam Association Conference, Oct. 4-9, 2014, Banff, AB, 10p.
- Lüthi, M. Millar, R.G., and Fannin, R.J. 2011. “Pitot-static tubes for velocity and pressure measurement in the Hole Erosion Test (HET),” Proceedings 34th IAHR World Congress, Brisbane, Australia, June 26-July 1, 2011, 6p.
- Semar, D., Witt, K.J. and Fannin R.J. 2010. “Suffusion evaluation – comparison of current approaches,” Proceedings 5th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, San Francisco, CA, 7-10 Nov. 2010, pp. 251-262.
- Li, M., Fannin, R.J., and Garner, S.J. 2009. “Application of a new criterion for assessing the susceptibility to internal erosion,” Proceedings of the Canadian Dam Association Annual Conference, Whistler, BC, Oct. 3-8, 2009. 7p.
Journal Articles
- Slangen, P., and Fannin, R.J. 2017. “The role of particle type on suffusion and suffosion.” Géotechnique Letters 7(1): 1–5.
- Slangen, P., and Fannin, R.J. 2017. “A flexible wall permeameter for investigating suffusion and suffosion.” Geotechnical Testing Journal 40(1): 1-14.
- Fannin, R.J., and Slangen, P. 2014. “On the distinct phenomena of suffusion and suffosion.” Geotechnique Letters 4(4): 289–294.
- Shire, T., O`Sullivan, C., Hanley, K.J., and Fannin, R.J. 2014. “Fabric and effective stress distribution in internally unstable soils.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 140(12): 1–11.
- Rönnqvist, H., Fannin, J., and Viklander, P. 2014. “On the use of empirical methods for assessment of filters in embankment dams.” Géotechnique Letters 4(4): 272–282.
- Li, M., and Fannin, R.J. 2012. “A theoretical envelope for internal instability of cohesionless soil.” Geotechnique 62(1): 77–80.
- Lüthi, M., Fannin, R.J., and Millar, R.G. 2012. “A modified Hole Erosion Test (HET-P) device.” Geotechnical Testing Journal 35(4): 1–5.
- Moffat, R., and Fannin, R.J. 2011. “A hydromechanical relation governing internal stability of cohesionless soil.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal 48(3): 413–424.
- Moffat, R., Fannin, R.J., and Garner, S.J. 2011. “Spatial and temporal progression of internal erosion in cohesionless soil.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal 48(3): 399–412.
- Garner, S.J., and Fannin, R.J. 2010. “Understanding internal erosion: a decade of research following a sinkhole event.” Hydropower and Dams 17(3): 93–98.
- Li, M., and Fannin, R.J. 2008. “Comparison of two criteria for internal stability of granular soil.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal 45(9): 1303–1309.
- Fannin, R.J. 2008. “Karl Terzaghi: from theory to practice in geotechnical filter design.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 134: 267–276.
- Moffat, R.A., and Fannin, R.J. 2006. “A large permeameter for study of internal stability in cohesionless soils.” Geotechnical Testing Journal 29(4): 273–279.
- Fannin, R.J., and Moffat, R. 2006. “Observations on internal stability of cohesionless soils.” Geotechnique 56(7): 497–500.
- McClelland, V.A. 2020. “On the critical state of gap-graded sandy soil.” M.A.Sc. thesis. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
- Tham, E. 2020. “On the use and interpretation of the Continuing Erosion Filter (CEF) test.” M.A.Sc. thesis. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
- Slangen, P. 2015. “On the influence of effective stress and micro-structure on suffusion and suffosion.” Ph.D. thesis. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
- Roos, D.M. 2015. “A laboratory study of filter compatibility with implications for Coursier Dam.” M.A.Sc. thesis. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
- Crawford-Flett, K. 2014. “An improved hydromechanical understanding of seepage-induced instability phenomena in soil.” Ph.D. thesis. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
- Sotil Jimenez, A. 2013. “An evaluation of base soil-filter compatibility using a triaxial permeameter.” M.A.Sc. thesis. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
- Lühti, M. 2011. “A modified hole erosion test (HET-P) to study erosion characteristics of soil.” M.A.Sc. thesis. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
- Li, M. 2008. “Seepage induced instability in widely graded soils.” Ph.D. thesis. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- Moffat, R. 2005. “Experiments on the internal stability of widely graded cohesionless soils.” Ph.D. thesis. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.